Montag, 26. November 2012

CHAPTER 14  The only sound in the otherwise dead silence was the click

The only sound in the otherwise dead silence was the click, click, click of Richard's thumbnail on one of the points of the recurved cross guard on his sword The elbow of his other arm rested on the polished tabletop while he cradled his head between a thumb under his chin and his first finger along his temple With a calm face, he did his best to control his anger He was furious This time, they had crossed the line, and they knew it 
In his mind he had gone over a whole list of possible punishments, but had rejected them all, not because they were too harsh, but because he knew they wouldn't work In the end, he settled on the truth. There was nothing harsher than the truth, and nothing else as likely to get through to them 
Before him, in a row, stood Berdine, Raina, Ulic, and Egan They stood stiffly, their eyes focused at some point over his head and behind him as he sat at the table in the small room he used for meeting with people, reading, and various other work.1 commentTweetThe nike">">nike air max 90 yellow+ 2012 boasts a tremendous range of colorblocking possibilities thanks to its layered Hyperfuse construction, but even with all this modern technology at work, some of the best colorways all year have been the most basic.. 
To the side of the table hung small landscape paintings of idyllic country scenes, but from the window behind, from which streamed the low angled rays of morning sunlight, the massive, baleful stone face of the Wizard's Keep glared down on him 
He had been back in Aydindril for only an hour-long enough to discover what had happened after he had left the evening before All four of his guards had been back since before dawn, he had ordered them to return to Aydindril after Raina and Egan had sauntered into camp the night before They had thought he wouldn't make them return in the dead of night They had been wrong. As brazen as they ordinarily were, the look in his eyes had insured that none of the four dared disobey that order 
Richard had also returned much earlier than he had planned He had pointed out the quench oak to the soldiers, told them what to collect, and then, instead of overseeing the task, had started back alone for Aydindril before the sun was up After what he had seen in the night, he'd been too troubled to get any sleep, and had wanted to be back in Aydindril as soon as possible 
Drumming his finger on the tabletop, Richard watched his guards sweating Berdine and Raina wore their brown leather outfits, their long, braided hair disheveled from their hard ride 
The two great, blond-headed men, Ulic and Egan, wore uniforms of dark leather straps, plates, and belts The thick leather plates were molded to fit like a second skin over the conspicuous contours of their muscles Incised in the leather at the center of their chests was an ornate letter "R," for the House of Rahl, and beneath that, two crossed swords Around their arms, just above their elbows, they wore golden bands brandishing razor-sharp projections-weapons for close combat 
No D'Haran but the Lord Rahl's persona bodyguards wore such weapons They were more than simply weapons, they were the rarest, the highest badges of honor, earned he knew not how.?With a distinct gradient perforation that can't be compared to all that many designs in history, Hussein Chalayan's Puma Haast places its name alongside standouts like the Air Moire and its nike">">nike air max 2011 yellow 90 Current hybrid.. 
Richard had inherited the rule of a people he didn't know, with customs that were mostly a mystery to him, and expectations he only partly fathomed.1 commentTweetThe upcoming VNTG and EM renditions of nike">">nike air max 1 yellow classics act like opposites of one another, with one going the rewind route and adding some aged yellowing and the other upgrading the build with Engineered Mesh.czfnk04.

CHAPTER 12   IT SEEMED THAT HE had just fallen asleep when Emma woke him and led them down to bre

IT SEEMED THAT HE had just fallen asleep when Emma woke him and led them down to breakfast. The sun wasn't up yet, nor was anyone else in the house, but roosters were already crowing at the lightening of the new day. The aromas of cooking made him instantly hungry. Emma, smiling, but not as brightly as the night before, dished out a big breakfast and said Chase had already eaten and was loading the horses. Richard had always thought Kahlan looked alluring in her unusual dress. He decided her new outfit didn't lessen her appeal in the least. While Kahlan and Emma talked about the children, and Zedd gushed compliments about the food, Richard's mind fretted on. what lay ahead.  

The light dimmed a little as Chase's form filled the doorway. Kahlan gave a start when she saw him. He was wearing a chain mail shirt over a tan leather tunic, heavy black pants, boots, and cloak.1 commentTweetThe nike">">nike air max 90 yellow+ 2012 boasts a tremendous range of colorblocking possibilities thanks to its layered Hyperfuse construction, but even with all this modern technology at work, some of the best colorways all year have been the most basic.. Black gauntlets were tucked behind a wide black belt set with a large silver buckle emblazoned with the emblem of the boundary wardens. Strapped everywhere were enough armaments to outfit a small army. On an ordinary man the effect would have been silly; on Chase it was frightening. He was an image of overt threat, deadly with every weapon he carried. Chase had two basic expressions he wore most of the time, the first a look of feigned ignorant disinterest, the second, one that made him seem as if he was about to participate in a slaughter. He wore the second this day.  

On their way out, Emma handed Zedd a bundle. "Fried chicken," she said. He gave her a big grin and kissed her forehead. Kahlan gave her a hug and promised to see that the clothes were returned.?With a distinct gradient perforation that can't be compared to all that many designs in history, Hussein Chalayan's Puma Haast places its name alongside standouts like the Air Moire and its nike">">nike air max 2011 yellow 90 Current hybrid.. Richard bent and gave Emma a warm embrace. "Be careful," she whispered in his ear. She gave her husband a kiss on the cheek that he accepted graciously.  

Chase handed Kahlan a sheathed long knife, telling her to wear it at all times. Richard asked if he could borrow a knife, too, as he had left his home. Chase's fingers deftly found the strap he wanted among the tangle, freed it, and handed a knife to Richard. .  

Kahlan eyed all the weaponry. "Do you think you will need all those?" `  

He gave her a crooked smile. "If I didn't take them, I know I would.1 commentTweetThe upcoming VNTG and EM renditions of nike">">nike air max 1 yellow classics act like opposites of one another, with one going the rewind route and adding some aged yellowing and the other upgrading the build with Engineered Mesh.czfnk04."  

The small company, Chase leading, followed by Zedd, then Kahlan, with Richard bringing up the rear, settled into a comfortable pace through the Hartland Woods. It was a bright autumn morning with a chill to the air. A hawk wheeled in the sky over their heads, a sign of warning at the beginning of a journey. Richard thought to himself that the sign was totally unnecessary.  

By midmorning they had left the Hartland Valley and passed into the upper Ven Forest, joining Hawkers Trail below Trunt Lake, and turned south, with the snakelike cloud in slow pursuit. Richard was glad to be leading it away from Chase's house and children. He was troubled that they had to travel so far to the south to cross the boundary, for time was dear. But Chase had said that if there was another pass, he didn't know about it. 


Sonntag, 25. November 2012

And if you do as you want

"And if you do as you want, instead" - Victor gestured to the fragments of the model - "and don't carve them what they want?"  

"Maybe I would like to see beauty again before I die."  

"Bah. What would you carve? What would you see before you die? What could be worth your life?"  

"Man's nobility - the most sublime form of beauty."  

The man's hand paused on the stone, his eyes searching Richard's, but he said nothing.  

"Victor, I need you to help me. I'm not asking you to give me anything. I'm willing to pay your price. Name it."  

Victor returned his loving gaze to his stone.  

"Ten gold marks," he said with bold confidence, knowing Richard had no money.  

Richard reached into his pocket and then counted out ten gold marks. He held the fortune out to Victor. The blacksmith frowned.  

"Where did you get such money?"  

"I worked and I saved it. I earned it helping the Order build their palace. Remember?"  

"But they took all your money.1 commentTweetThe nike">">nike air max 90 yellow+ 2012 boasts a tremendous range of colorblocking possibilities thanks to its layered Hyperfuse construction, but even with all this modern technology at work, some of the best colorways all year have been the most basic.. Nicci told them how much you had, and they took it all."  

Richard cocked his head. "You didn't think I'd be foolish enough to put all my money in one place, did you? I have gold stashed all over. If this isn't enough, I will pay you whatever you ask."  

Richard knew that the stone was valuable, although not worth ten gold marks, but it was to Victor, so Richard would not argue the price. He would pay whatever the man asked.  

"I can't take your money, Richard." He waved a hand in resignation. "I don't know how to carve. It was but a dream. As long as I never carved it, I could dream of the beauty in the stone. This is from my homeland, where once there was freedom." His fingers blindly found the wall of marble. "This is noble stone. I would like to see nobility in this Cavatura marble.?With a distinct gradient perforation that can't be compared to all that many designs in history, Hussein Chalayan's Puma Haast places its name alongside standouts like the Air Moire and its nike">">nike air max 2011 yellow 90 Current hybrid.. You may have the stone, my friend."  

"No, Victor. I don't want to take your dream. I want to, in a way, fulfill it. I cannot accept it as a gift. I want to buy it."  

"But, why?"  

"Because I will have to give it to the Order. I don't want you giving this to the Order; I will have to do that. More than that, though, they will no doubt want it destroyed. It must be mine when they do that. I want it to be paid for."  

Victor held out his hand. "Ten marks, then."  

Richard counted out the ten gold marks and then closed the man's big fingers around them.  

"Thank you, Victor," Richard whispered.1 commentTweetThe upcoming VNTG and EM renditions of nike">">nike air max 1 yellow classics act like opposites of one another, with one going the rewind route and adding some aged yellowing and the other upgrading the build with Engineered Mesh.czfnk04.  

Victor grinned. "Where do you wish me to deliver it?"  

Richard held out another gold mark. "May I rent this room? I would like to carve it here. From here, when I'm done, it can be sledged down to the entrance plaza."  

Victor shrugged. "Done."  

Richard handed over a twelfth gold mark. "And I want you to make me the tools with which I will carve this stone - the finest tools you have ever made. The kind of tools used to carve beauty in your homeland. This marble demands the best. Make the tools out of the best steel."  

"Points, toothed chisels, and chisels for fine work - I can make them for you. There are hammers aplenty about you may use."

Samstag, 24. November 2012

Dear Mother and Father [wrote Carrot


Dear Mother and Father [wrote Carrot, in between staring dutifully into the fog] Well, the town is On Fate for the coronation, which is more complicated than at home, and now I am on Day duty as well. This is a shame because, I was going to watch the Coronation with Reel, but it does not do to complain. I must go now because we are expecting a dragon any minute although it does not exist really. Your loving son, Carrot. PS. Have you seen anything of Minty lately?   


"You idiot!" 
"Sorry," said Vimes. "Sorry." 
People were climbing back into their seats, many of them giving him furious looks. Wonse was white with fury. 
"How could you have been so stupid? " he raged. 
Vimes stared at his own fingers. 
"I thought I saw.1 commentTweetThe nike">">nike air max 90 yellow+ 2012 boasts a tremendous range of colorblocking possibilities thanks to its layered Hyperfuse construction, but even with all this modern technology at work, some of the best colorways all year have been the most basic...." he began. 
"It was a raven! You know what ravens are? There must be hundreds of them in the city!" 
"In the fog, you see, the size wasn't easy to..." Vimes mumbled. 
"And poor Master Greetling, you ought to have known what loud noises do to him!" The head of the Teachers' Guild had to be led away by some kind people. 
"Shouting out like that!" Wonse went on. 
"Look, I said I'm sorry! It was an honest mistake!" 
"I've had to hold up the procession and everything!" 
Vimes said nothing. He could feel hundreds of amused or unsympathetic eyes on him. 
"Well," he muttered, "I'd better be getting back to the Yard..." 
Wonse's eyes narrowed. "No," he snapped. "But you can go home, if you like.?With a distinct gradient perforation that can't be compared to all that many designs in history, Hussein Chalayan's Puma Haast places its name alongside standouts like the Air Moire and its nike">">nike air max 2011 yellow 90 Current hybrid.. Or anywhere your fancies take you. Give me your badge." 
Wonse held out his hand. 
"Your badge," he repeated. 
"My badge?" 
"That's what I said. I want to keep you out of trouble." 
Vimes looked at him in astonishment. "But it's my badge!" 
"And you're going to give it to me," said Wonse grimly. "By order of the king." 
"What d'you mean? He doesn't even know!" Vimes heard the wailing in his own voice. 
Wonse scowled. "But he will," he said. "And I don't expect he'll even bother to appoint a successor." 
Vimes slowly undipped the verdigrised disc of copper, weighed it in his hand, and then tossed it to Wonse without a word. 
For a moment he considered pleading, but something rebelled. He turned, and stalked off through the crowd. 
So that was it.1 commentTweetThe upcoming VNTG and EM renditions of nike">">nike air max 1 yellow classics act like opposites of one another, with one going the rewind route and adding some aged yellowing and the other upgrading the build with Engineered Mesh.czfnk04. 
As simple as that. After half a lifetime of service. No more City Watch. Huh. Vimes kicked at the pavement. It'd be some sort of Royal Guard now. 
With plumes in their damn helmets. 
Well, he'd had enough. It wasn't a proper life anyway, in the Watch. You didn't meet people in the best of circumstances. There must be hundreds of other things he could do, and if he thought for long enough he could probably remember what some of them were. 
Pseudopolis Yard was off the route of the procession, and as he stumbled into the Watch House he could hear the distant cheering beyond the rooftops. Across the city the temple gongs were being sounded. 
Now they are ringing the gongs, thought Vimes, but soon they will-they will-they will not be ringing the gongs. Not much of an aphorism, he thought, but he could work on it. He had the time, now.

Hood had always found it strange how the pressures of sitting down and making a decision took a g

Hood had always found it strange how the pressures of sitting down and making a decision took a greater toll than running around and carrying them out. The conscience was a killer taskmaster.  

Yet Hood had a deep respect for Bugs, who not only managed to deal with his boss's brooding but with the moods and demands of men like Colon-and Bob Herbert, who ran a close second to Lowell Coffey as a voice of caution at Op-Center. The difference was that Coffey feared lawsuits and censure, while Herbert had seen only too well the results of failing to consider every possibility.  

Benet and Herbert mostly listened as Hood and Colon reviewed simulation papers on the computer and formulated the military options they would recommend to the President. Though the timing and particulars of execution would be left to the Joint Chiefs of Staff in consultation with their field commanders, the men felt that the naval and Marine forces already en route from the Indian Ocean should be supplemented by three battleships and two aircraft carriers from the Pacific fleet, as well as calling up reserves and redeploying fifty thousand troops drawn from Saudi Arabia, Germany, and the U.S. They also would call for the immediate airlifting of a half-dozen Patriot missile systems to South Korea.1 commentTweetThe nike">">nike air max 90 yellow+ 2012 boasts a tremendous range of colorblocking possibilities thanks to its layered Hyperfuse construction, but even with all this modern technology at work, some of the best colorways all year have been the most basic.. Although the Patriots had underperformed dramatically in the Persian Gulf War, they made good TV news visuals when they worked, and keeping the public's blood flowing red, white, and blue would be vital. Less visibly, tactical nuclear missiles were to be shifted by air from Hawaii to South Korea. DPRK might not be a nuclear power yet, but that wouldn't stop them from purchasing a bomb from any number of countries.  

The men also calculated anticipated casualties of a "short war" of two or three weeks before a U.N. mandated armistice, and a "long war" of six months or more. With nonnuclear strikes, U.?With a distinct gradient perforation that can't be compared to all that many designs in history, Hussein Chalayan's Puma Haast places its name alongside standouts like the Air Moire and its nike">">nike air max 2011 yellow 90 Current hybrid..S. losses were expected to be at least four hundred dead and three thousand wounded in a short war, at least ten times that in a long war.  

During this discussion, Bugs remained silent and Herbert made only three suggestions. The first was that until more was known about the terrorists, only a minimum number of troops should be diverted from the Middle East. He felt there might still be the possibility that this was a plot to involve the U.S. in a fake front so a real war could be started somewhere else.1 commentTweetThe upcoming VNTG and EM renditions of nike">">nike air max 1 yellow classics act like opposites of one another, with one going the rewind route and adding some aged yellowing and the other upgrading the build with Engineered Mesh.czfnk04. The second was that until the satellites were back on-line, he be given time to analyze whatever up-to-the-minute intelligence they and CIA Director Kidd were able to collect before committing troops. And the third was that no force be sent into the field without beefed-up antiterrorist personnel. All three recommendations were put into the military options paper. Hood knew that Herbert could be crusty, but he'd hired him for his knowledge, not his charm.  

While Bugs was putting the rough-draft document on the screen for the men to review, Herbert's chair phone beeped. Paul glanced over as Bob hit the speaker button.  

"What have you got, Rachel?"

Donnerstag, 22. November 2012


Coldly, he wondered if whoever was in his house could be the same person who had murdered his father. His house was torn up just like his father's had been. Could they have been waiting for him as they had waited for his father? Could it be the same person? Richard wished he could have confronted him, or at least seen who it was, but something inside him had strongly warned him to get away.  

He gave himself a mental shake. He was letting his imagination have too free a rein. Of course something inside had warned him of danger, warned him to get away. He had already gotten away with his life when he shouldn't have once this day. It was foolish to trust in luck once; twice was arrogance of the worst kind. It was best to walk away.  

Still, he wished he could have seen who it was, been sure there was no connection.1 commentTweetThe nike">">nike air max 90 yellow+ 2012 boasts a tremendous range of colorblocking possibilities thanks to its layered Hyperfuse construction, but even with all this modern technology at work, some of the best colorways all year have been the most basic.. Why would someone tear his house apart, as his father's had been torn apart? What if it was the same person? He wanted to know who had killed his father. He burned to know.  

Even though he had not been allowed to see his father's body at his house, he had wanted to know how he was killed. Chase had told him, very gently, but he had told him. His father's belly had been cut open and his guts had been spread out all over the floor. How could anyone do that? Why would anyone do that? It made him sick and light-headed to think of it again. Richard swallowed back the lump in his throat.  

"Well?" Her voice jolted him out of his thoughts.  

"What? Well, what?"  

"Well, did you get whatever it was you went to get?"  


"So what was it?"  

"What was it? It was my backpack.?With a distinct gradient perforation that can't be compared to all that many designs in history, Hussein Chalayan's Puma Haast places its name alongside standouts like the Air Moire and its nike">">nike air max 2011 yellow 90 Current hybrid.. I had to get my backpack."  

She turned to face him with both hands on her hips and a scowl on her face. "Richard Cypher, you expect me to believe you risked your life to get your backpack?"  

"Kahlan, you are coming close to getting kicked." He couldn't manage a smile.  

Her head was cocked to the side, and she continued to give him a sideways look, but his remark had taken the fire out of her. "Fair enough, my friend," she said gently, "fair enough."  

He could tell Kahlan was a person who was used to getting answers when she asked a question.  


As the light faded and colors muted into grayness, Richard started thinking of places to spend the night. He knew of several wayward pines along the way that he had used on many occasions. There was one at the edge of a clearing, just off the trail ahead.1 commentTweetThe upcoming VNTG and EM renditions of nike">">nike air max 1 yellow classics act like opposites of one another, with one going the rewind route and adding some aged yellowing and the other upgrading the build with Engineered Mesh.czfnk04. He could see the tall tree standing out against the fading pinks of the sky, standing above all the other trees. He led Kahlan off the trail toward it  

The tooth hanging around his neck nagged at him. His secrets nagged at him. He wished his father had never made him the keeper of the secret book. A thought that had occurred to him back at his house, but he had ignored, forced itself to the front of his mind. The books at his house looked like they had been torn apart in a rage. Maybe because none was the right book. What if it was the secret book they were looking for? But that was impossible; no one but the true owner even knew of the book.

He knew that back home winter would be raging

He knew that back home winter would be raging. Despite the turmoil around him, Richard felt an inner tranquillity knowing that Kahlan was most likely to be warm and snug in the house he had built; in that light, nothing in his new life was of enough importance to distress him. She had food to eat, firewood to keep her warm, and Cara for company. For now, she was safe. Winter was wearing on and in spring she would be able to leave, but, for now, Richard was confident that she was safe. That, and his thoughts and memories of her, were his only solace.  

People without rooms huddled in the alleyways, using whatever scrap of solid material they could find to prop up over themselves for a roof. Walls were fashioned from sodden blankets.1 commentTweetThe nike">">nike air max 90 yellow+ 2012 boasts a tremendous range of colorblocking possibilities thanks to its layered Hyperfuse construction, but even with all this modern technology at work, some of the best colorways all year have been the most basic.. He supposed that he and Nicci could continue to do the same, but he feared Nicci falling ill in the cold and wet - feared that then Kahlan, too, would fall ill.  

Nicci checked the paper she carried. "These places on this register they gave us are all supposed to be available for people newly arrived - not just for people on a list. They need workers; they should be more diligent in seeing to it that places are available. Do you see, Richard? Do you see how hard it is for ordinary people to get along in life?"  

Richard, hands shoved in his pockets, shoulders hunched against the wind and rain, asked, "So, how do we get on a list?"  

"We will have to go to a lodging office and request a room. They can put us on a housing list."  

It sounded simple, but matters were proving far more complex than they sounded.  

"If there aren't enough rooms, how will being on a list get us a place to stay?"  

"People die all the time.?With a distinct gradient perforation that can't be compared to all that many designs in history, Hussein Chalayan's Puma Haast places its name alongside standouts like the Air Moire and its nike">">nike air max 2011 yellow 90 Current hybrid.."  

"There's work here, that's why we came - that's why everyone else has come.  

I'll work hard and then we can afford to pay more. We still have a little money. We just need to find a place that wants to rent a room for the right price - without all this list foolishness."  

"Really, Richard, are you that inhumane? How would those less fortunate ever get rooms, then? The Order sets the prices to stop profiteers. They make sure there is no favoritism. That makes it fair for all. We just need to get on a list for a room, and then everything will be fine.1 commentTweetThe upcoming VNTG and EM renditions of nike">">nike air max 1 yellow classics act like opposites of one another, with one going the rewind route and adding some aged yellowing and the other upgrading the build with Engineered Mesh.czfnk04."  

Watching the glistening cobbles before him as he walked, Richard wondered how long they would be without a place until their name worked its way to the top of a list. It looked to him as if a lot of people would need to die before his and Nicci's names came up for a room - with more yet waiting in turn for them to die.  

He stepped first to one side and then the other to avoid bumping into the river of people swirling past, making their way in the opposite direction while trying to stay out of the mud of the street. He considered again staying outside the city - a lot of people did that. But there were outlaws and desperate people aplenty who preyed on those who were forced to stay out in the open where there were no city guards. Were Nicci not opposed to the idea, Richard would have found a place farther out and built a shelter, perhaps with some other people so that they could together discourage trouble.

Montag, 19. November 2012

Verde Pointe Dental Associates of Marietta GA Congratulates Staff Member Brittany Newsome on Her Induction into Harrison High School Hall of Fame

Verde Pointe Dental Associates of Marietta, GA, congratulates staff member Brittany Newsome on her induction into the Harrison High School Hall of Fame for her legacy as a Cross Country State Champion. Ms. Newsome was inducted into the Harrison Hoya Hall of Fame on Sunday, October 21, 2012. Marietta, GA (PRWEB) November 14, 2012

Verde Pointe Dental Associates of Marietta, GA, is proud to announce that staff member Brittany Newsome was recently inducted into the Harrison High School Hall of Fame in Kennesaw, GA. Ms. Newsome was a member of Harrison’s 2000-2001 State Champions Women’s Cross Country Team and was inducted into the Harrison Hoya Hall of Fame on Sunday, October 21, 2012.

“We are so very proud of Brittany,” said Dr. Kirk Kimmerling DDS. “She is a committed, dedicated member of our staff and a true asset to our Verde Pointe team. It is wonderful that she has been honored for the hard work and commitment she showed at Harrison.”

Ms. Newsome, who graduated from Harrison High School in 2003 and is a member of the front desk staff at Verde Pointe, has been happy to share the news of her Hall of Fame induction with her Verde Pointe co-workers and patients. “My favorite part of working at Verde Pointe,” she said, “is being able to talk to my coworkers and to patients.” Ms. Newsome is a very recognizable friendly face at Verde Pointe and works hard to ensure that patients receive the services they need.

Verde Pointe Dental Associates of Marietta continues to attract a devoted patient base from all over the metro Atlanta area. Verde Pointe is one of the premiere dental offices in Georgia and is known for its energetic and committed dental professionals as well as its friendly and knowledgeable front office staff. Verde Pointe offers cosmetic dentistry services, veneers, teeth whitening, and a host of other dental services, and is always eager to incorporate the latest dental technology into its dental practices.

For more information on Harrison High School in Kennesaw, GA, visit

Kirk Kimmerling, DDS, Alex Krempa, DMD and Suzanna Aguilera, DMD are Marietta cosmetic dentist s that are literally paving the way for the future of dentistry. The office is technologically sophisticated in not only equipment and procedures, but also developing dental materials via Kimmerling Holdings Group, LLC and fiteBac SkinCare, LLC, Dr. Kimmerling's biotechnology firms. The office maintains 13 operatories, each of which is equipped with a display monitor on which digital x-rays and intra-oral pictures can be examined, and patient education videos can be viewed. The office also employs highly advanced technologies, including: (1) Logicon, a program that can digitally measure the extent of tooth decay, which allows detection of 20% more cavities and helps prevent misdiagnosis; (2) “Collimators,” a conduction of x-ray tube heads that decrease radiation exposure to the patients and staff by 5-fold; and (3) iTero, an advanced restoration impression system and digital scanner that produces more accurate restorations than traditional methods. The overall well-being of each patient can also be improved by adding a DNA salivary test, which allows the office professionals to better determine a patient’s specific risk of periodontal disease as well as certain types of oral cancer. The office is the first to use fiteBac SkinCare Germicidal Hand Softening Gel, an advanced hand sanitizer without the harshness to skin from traditional alcohol-based hand sanitizers. Drs. Kimmerling, Krempa and Aguilera invite new patients to meet their exceptional staff and experience and benefit from state of the art dental care. The office offers a broad range of services from teeth cleaning, teeth whitening to veneers and Marietta dental implants and Marietta root canals. Interested new dental patients may receive a $100 coupon for services on the website by clicking, Marietta emergency dentist.

Kirk Kimmerling DDS fiteBac SkinCare LLC 770-423-4900 Email Information

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Rights groups 5 Tibetans self immolate in 2 days

BEIJING (AP) Tibetan protests against Chinese rule intensified around the opening of a pivotal Communist Party congress as three teenage monks and two other Tibetans set themselves on fire over two days, activists reported Thursday.

Four of the self-immolations took place on Wednesday and were followed by a fifth involving a nomad in western Qinghai on Thursday. Since March 2011, dozens of ethnic Tibetans have self-immolated in ethnically Tibetan areas to protest what activists say is China's heavy-handed rule over the region. Such protests have become more frequent in recent weeks, apparently aimed at the party's weeklong conference to unveil the country's new leadership that opened Thursday.

"These protests are aimed at sending the next generation of China's unelected regime a clear signal that Tibetans will continue to fight for their freedom despite China's efforts to suppress and intimidate them," Free Tibet director Stephanie Brigden said in a statement.

Free Tibet also said that the three monks, at ages 15 and 16, were the youngest to self-immolate. They set fire to themselves Wednesday afternoon outside a police office in southwest Sichuan province calling for freedom for Tibet and the return of their spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama, the group said, adding it was the first documented case of a triple self-immolation.

The youngest monk, identified as 15-year-old Dorjee, died at the scene and his companions, Samdup and Dorjee Kyab, both 16, were taken to a hospital by security forces and their conditions were unknown, Free Tibet said.

Then in the evening a 23-year-old Tibetan nomadic woman, Tamdin Tso, died after self-immolating in another ethnically Tibetan area in western Qinghai province, it said. She took petrol from a motorbike and set fire to herself in the family's winter pasture near Tongren, a monastery town, and her body was taken back to her family's home whether people gathered to pray, it said. She had a 5-year-old son.

Tibetan nomad Jinpa Gyatso, who was from the same area, became the fifth in two days to set himself on fire, said Kate Saunders, spokeswoman for the Washington-based International Campaign for Tibet. His death Thursday outside a monastery, as well as the woman's, prompted hundreds of Tibetans to gather and mourn, Saunders wrote in an email.

The pro-Tibet groups' accounts could not immediately be confirmed. The self-declared Tibetan government-in-exile reported one other self-immolation on Wednesday but provided few details.

A man at Qinghai provincial government's news office said he didn't know about the case and hung up. The Aba prefecture's communist party propaganda department referred queries to prefectural and provincial authorities, where calls rang unanswered.

Chinese authorities routinely deny Tibetan claims of repression and have accused supporters of the Dalai Lama of encouraging the self-immolations. The Dalai Lama and representatives of the self-declared Tibetan government-in-exile in India say they oppose all violence.

Free Tibet said the three boys came from a village in Aba county, a region of high-altitude valleys grazed by yaks on the Tibetan plateau, and belonged to Ngoshul Monastery, which houses around 130 monks and is approximately 10 kilometers (6 miles) from Ngaba town where other self-immolations have taken place. Free Tibet said security forces had been deployed to the monastery and the nearby town of Gomang, and already heavy restrictions in Ngaba county had been intensified, with people unable to leave or enter Ngaba town.

Free Tibet says over two thirds of those who have self-immolated are younger than 25 and have grown up under Chinese rule. "Their protests belie China's propaganda that Tibetans are happy and thriving. Tibetans young and old, men and women from all walks of life across a vast area of Tibet are setting fire to themselves in protest at China's occupation," it said in a statement.

The Chinese government has poured money into the region for years to spur development and helping to raise living standards. But many Tibetans say China's tight control, including on religious observance, is draining them of their culture and identity.


Associated Press writer Gillian Wong contributed to this report.

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Sonntag, 18. November 2012

DunhamTrimmer LLC is Proud to Announce the Release of the quot Biological Control Industry Overview Companies amp Products quot Edition 3 Access to the Biopesticide Industry

Edition 3 of the "Biological Control Industry Overview: Companies & Products" contains 23 additional companies in 24 countries and 46 more products than Edition 2. Each page holds critical information needed to navigate the dynamic global biopesticide/biocontrol industry. Visit s. (PRWEB UK) 15 November 2012

Bill Dunham and Mark Trimmer, the principals of DunhamTrimmer LLC believe that it is crucial to one's success to be informed about new technologies, emerging opportunities and competitive challenges throughout the global biological control industry. The "Biological Control Industry Overview: Companies & Products," Edition 3 is a global guidebook that will lead, inform and help one make savvy decisions.

Edition 3 of the "Biological Control Industry Overview: Companies & Products" contains 23 additional companies in 24 countries and 46 more products than Edition 2.

Market segments served include: biocontrol/biopesticide producing companies, biocontrol/biopesticide distribution companies, crop protection companies, venture capital groups, and major food-marketing and food-producing companies.

The "Biological Control Industry Overview: Companies & Products," Edition 3 is available as a yearly subscription and includes regular updates, "Breaking News," alerts and a monthly newsletter. These reports are available for download at Subscriber" secure area of our website. The global biological control market can be extremely complex, and the "Biological Control Industry Overview: Companies & Products," Edition 3 can help master this ever-changing industry.

Confidential Single-client Studies:

If you require a focused, in-depth competitive analysis within the biological control market, DunhamTrimmer offers up-to-the-minute, custom-tailored, confidential global market research and due diligence on specific biological control companies, technologies, products, and/or market segments.

About Us:

DunhamTrimmer LLC ( s the brainchild of Bill Dunham and Mark Trimmer who are veterans of the crop protection and biological control industry with a combined experience of more than 60 years. Bill and Mark determined that what this rapidly growing market segment needed was a central place to find reliable industry information and analysis from trusted professionals who understand the biocontrol industry and market.

For more information about a 12-month subscription to DunhamTrimmer's "Biological Control Industry Overview: Companies & Products," Edition 3, please contact:

William Dunham                                            

Managing Partner                                            

Office: +1-973-543-2436                                            

Mobile: +1-973-216-3699

Mark Trimmer

Managing Partner

Office: +1-608-795-4266                                    

Mobile: +1-608-628-2654

Stay tuned for announcements at s "Biological Control Industry Overview: Companies & Products."

William Dunham DunhamTrimmer LLC 973-543-2436 Email Information

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Walmart extends corruption inquiries

Walmart extends corruption inquiries By Barney Jopson November 16, 2012 -- Updated 1019 GMT (1819 HKT) Walmart said that since it began a compliance review last year it had identified or been made aware of corruptionWalmart reported sales that disappointed investors -- up 3.4 per cent from a year ago at $113.2bnThe retailer reported net income up 9 per cent to $3.6bn, or $1.08 per share, in the three months to the end of October

(Financial Times) -- Walmart revealed that its internal probe into potential violations of anti-corruption law had extended to Brazil, China and India as it reported quarterly sales growth short of expectations and profits that matched them.

The world's biggest retailer by sales said Thursday that investigations into allegations of bribes paid to secure new store permits in Mexico had been extended to three other emerging markets.

"Inquiries or investigations regarding allegations of potential [US anti-corruption law] violations have been commenced in a number of foreign markets where we operate, including but not limited to Brazil, China and India," Walmart said in a regulatory filing.

At the same time, Walmart reported sales that disappointed investors -- up 3.4 per cent from a year ago at $113.2bn but short of the consensus forecast of $114.9bn. Without currency effects, Walmart said, it would have hit the forecast.

However, signs of slowing momentum before the crucial end-of-year holiday shopping season sent Walmart shares down 3.6 per cent to $68.73.

The retailer reported net income up 9 per cent to $3.6bn, or $1.08 per share, in the three months to the end of October, matching Wall Street forecasts.

Charles Holley, chief financial officer, described the results as "very solid" and said: "We grew our income faster than our sales. That's very key for us."

Most investors have focused on Walmart's US growth and brushed off the corruption allegations since they became public in April, pushing the shares to new highs until mid-October, when they began to fall.

For the past quarter the retailer reported a 1.5 per cent rise in US sales at stores open at least a year -- a closely watched performance measure -- marking a second consecutive quarter of slowing growth.

Greg Melich, analyst at ISI Group, said in a research note that Walmart's US growth had slowed by more than that of Target -- a rival discount chain that also released results Thursday -- and by more than the retail sector at large. Target, whose stores are in the US and Canada, reported a bigger-than-expected rise in net profit to $637m and a 2.9 per cent rise in sales at US stores open at least a year.

"We'd expect [Walmart] to come under some pressure given [the company's] commentary that this holiday appears 'very competitive'," he said.

Mr Holley said customers were concerned about jobs and the costs of petrol and food. But Walmart was "very well prepared" for the holiday season with low prices and smaller pack sizes.

Walmart said that since it began a compliance review last year it had identified or been made aware of corruption allegations beyond those in Mexico.

It declined to comment on the allegations or on whether existing probes by the US Department of Justice and the Securities and Exchange Commission had expanded to cover them but said that it continued to co-operate with the authorities.

Walmart said it had spent $35m on improving its compliance programmes and added: "We will not tolerate non-compliance anywhere or at any level of the company."

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Samstag, 17. November 2012

New Autobiography Book Reflects on the Life of a Man and How God s Faithfulness and Reliability has Work on Him

A reminiscence of life experiences and the personal faithfulness of God to a speck of life named David Wilson. British Columbia, Canada (PRWEB) November 16, 2012

David Wilson’s life experiences encompasses those times when he was still a youth in the years of the Great Depression, a sailor during World War II, the events that surrounded his life as a pastor, the tough times he had as a businessman as well as some of the compassionate moments he had in hospice settings. And now, after so many years, he looks back on his life the way he remembers it. My Life- As I Remember It tells the story of how he has lived his life through the years. He reminisces on life back then and reflects on how the hand of God has work on him as he spent living his time.

Born in Kearny NJ, on February 24, 1922, David Wilson’s father’s business took the family to Toronto, Ontario, Canada when he was 12 years old. At nineteen years old, he enlisted in the US Navy during World War II. After the war, he graduated from the Emmaus Bible School and became a pastor of a church, and the director of a children’s summer camp in the Province of Quebec. He became a full time manager for Camp Mini Yo We, a children’s camp, which he had help start in Ontario immediately after the war. He entered politics and held a senior position in one of the political parties in Ottawa. He has travelled extensively in North America and many parts of the world. He has been exposed to various social environments He also managed a real estate sales office combined with a personal program of general volunteer hospital visitation and participation in the hospice program for the City of Vancouver.

This book shares with readers how Wilson has lived through a world that has been in constant turmoil, where mankind plotted evil against mankind. He has seen science develop amazing improvements in the field of transportation, communication and medicine. But man’s heart has remained the same. There is a desperate need for a close relationship with God if humans are to have the internal peace that God intends for everyone.

My Life-As I Remember It vividly presents the personal faithfulness of God to a speck of life named David Wilson. He came into the realization that God has always been there despite the fact that he often ignored Him and went on his own way. He put all his thoughts in this book to enlighten others on how the goodness and realability of God is available to anyone

For more information on this book, interested parties may log on to

About the Author

David Wilson was born in Kearny NJ, on February 24, 1922. His father’s business took the family to Toronto, Ontario, Canada when he was 12 years of age. At nineteen years old, he enlisted in the US Navy during World War II. After the war, he graduated from the Emmaus Bible School and became a pastor of a church, and the director of a children’s summer camp in the Province of Quebec. He became a full time manager for Camp Mini Yo We, a children’s camp, which he had help start in Ontario immediately after the war. He entered politics and held a senior position in one of the political parties in Ottawa. He has travelled extensively in North America and many parts of the world. He has been exposed to various social environments He also managed a real estate sales office for many years, combined with a personal program of general volunteer hospital visitation plus participation in the hospice program for the City of Vancouver. He is a widower, the father of four children, the grandfather of four children and the great grandfather of three great grandchildren.

My Life - As I Remember it * by David R. Wilson

Publication Date: September 28, 2012

Trade Paperback; $19.99; 317 pages; 978-1-4797-0923-6

Trade Hardback; $29.99; 317 pages; 978-1-4797-0924-3

eBook; $3.99; 978-1-4797-0925-0

Members of the media who wish to review this book may request a complimentary paperback copy by contacting the publisher at (888) 795-4274 x. 7879. To purchase copies of the book for resale, please fax Xlibris at (610) 915-0294 or call (888) 795-4274 x. 7879.

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Hireology CEO Adam Robinson to Present Top Global Student Entrepreneur Award

The Global Student Entrepreneur Award’s Global Finals Competition Take Place on November 15th in New York City Chicago, Illinois (PRWEB) November 15, 2012

Hireology CEO Adam Robinson will present the “top global student entrepreneur” award to the winner of the Global Student Entrepreneur Awards (GSEA), on November 16th, 2012 at the New York Stock Exchange.

“GSEA highlights the amazing contributions that the world’s undergraduate entrepreneurs make to our economy, and to the future of global commerce,” said Adam Robinson, who serves as the volunteer Director of GSEA. “This generation of thinkers and doers is making a huge impact at a young age, and we gather this week to celebrate the 30 top student entrepreneurs on the planet. It’s an amazing, inspiring event and I’m honored to be a part of it.”

GSEA is produced by Entrepreneurs Organization ( s most influential community of entrepreneurs comprised of over 7,000 business owners. As a marquee event in Kauffman Foundation’s Global Entrepreneurship Week, GSEA spotlights the world’s student entrepreneurs who are operating a revenue-generating business while taking a full-time undergraduate course load. Nearly 1,700 student entrepreneurs representing 42 countries have competed over the past 12 months in a series of local and regional GSEA events, leading to 30 finalists from six continents. These finalists will compete on November 15th at New York’s famed Waldorf Astoria hotel, with the winner announced by Robinson at the GSEA Awards Gala on November 16th at the New York Stock Exchange. The winner receives a price package valued at $150,000 in cash and in-kind services.

Robinson, a serial entrepreneur, co-founded Hireology in 2010, a fast-growing HR technology company headquartered in Chicago, IL. Prior to Hireology, Robinson was founder and CEO of Illuma, a high-volume recruitment outsourcing company, and an early employee at Click Commerce, a NASDAQ-traded enterprise software provider. He serves on the Board of DePaul University’s Coleman Entrepreneurship Center and is an instructor at Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Entrepreneurial Masters Program.


About Hireology

Hireology’s award-winning Selection Management System helps companies organize their hiring process and leverage data to make better hiring decisions. Franchise systems, banks and financial institutions, healthcare systems, hotels, restaurants, dealer networks, and other multi-site operators use Hireology’s patent-pending Selection Manager™ to deliver consistent and repeatable hiring decisions in the field - leading to better hiring decisions, lower turnover, and increased profitability per location. For more information, please visit son, Hireology, 312-253-9246, eborgerson(at)hireology(dot)com

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Freitag, 16. November 2012

3 Orioles vanquish Gold Gloves 9 1st timers not Trout

J.J. Hardy thought he'd buffet a home escape only to be robbed while Mike Trout made one of the highest sensational grabs of the season.

On Tuesday night, Hardy caught a damage.

The Baltimore shortstop won a Gold Glove, putting him among a team of nine players honored as the first period as their fielding excellence.

"It means a lot apt me," said Hardy,surrounded his eighth big federation season. "It's definitely an gift I always hoped apt obtain and never really expected to obtain I'm surprised and honored in the meantime"

Pittsburgh navel fielder Andrew McCutchen, San Diego third baseman Chase Headley and Oakland right fielder Josh Reddick likewise were first-time selections.

"I'm impartial cheerful I can pull it out as them and get the A's nominate even more out there," Reddick said. "It's a tremendous honor, I'm always taking proud in either sides of my game and trying to be a complete player. You never understand what one activity whether the first alternatively the ninth inning,namely going apt win a ballgame. That's what my mama and father taught me."

Headley, who had a breakout anniversary with the bat, said he and Padres adviser Glenn Hoffman, a former major alliance shortstop, talked during spring training approximately improving his barricade.

"The foundation was laid there," Headley said. "Obviously it's nice when you get the results when you focus aboard something. ... Your pitcher counts aboard you to acquaint routine plays each and each phase I was capable to do a better job this daily"

The Orioles were the only crew with three winners. Baltimore navel fielder Adam Jones and catcher Matt Wieters were second-time choices, joining Hardy for the awards chosen according major alliance managers and coaches and presented according Rawlings.

Trout, the Angels apprentice centre fielder who spent the annual climbing walls apt take away latent homers, was never picked. Among his best catches came against Hardy at Camden Yards within June.

The San Francisco Giants, fresh off winning a World Series amid which they excelled with their gloves, did not have a Gold Glover.

These were the 1st major awards presented during the offseason, and the MVPs, Cy Youngs and others ambition come in mid-November. Gold Gloves always emerge apt rise a rumpus with many claiming the prizes tangible gloves colored gold don't define the maximum deserving fielders.

Hardy led the AL within fielding percentage, making only six errors among 158 games. Others relying aboard more perfected metrics and insist Seattle's Brendan Ryan was the best shortstop afterward again even notwithstanding awards are strictly for fielding, players who don't produce at the plate constantly obtain bypassed, and Ryan buffet a weak.194. Hardy strike 22 kin runs.

"I've always hoped merely I never expected it," Hardy said. "It's definitely one reward I've seen a lot of shortstops get that are actually flashy and kind of catch the eye of a lot of folk I don't watch at myself that access I kind of see at myself as equitable trying apt be consistent and steady. I never felt like people noticed."

Wieters, meanwhile, was chosen antagonism leading AL catchers with 10 errors. He was recognized as the many things he does well he threw out 39 percentage of would-be basestealers and rarely let pitches obtain past him.

Strong-armed St. Louis catcher Yadier Molina won as the fifth direct anniversary and Yankees 1st baseman Mark Teixeira added his fifth reward Texas third baseman Adrian Beltre, Philadelphia shortstop Jimmy Rollins and Miami pitcher Mark Buehrle became four-time winners.

"I think I'm just natural ashore mean equitable like the other guys. I equitable admire playing the position each night," Beltre said. "I take my position as a dare and want to acquaint every activity I can. I don't see myself as that appealing"

Buehrle won three times with the Chicago White Sox ahead joining the Marlins last winter.

"With a whole modish team of managers voting for you, it wasn't like it was handed to you," Buehrle said. "The Gold Glove gets to be, 'He won it last anniversary give it to him afresh.' This one means a lot,because switching leagues, it was alter managers voting aboard it. I had to do my job apt acquire it."

The additional first-time winners surrounded the National League were Washington 1st baseman Adam LaRoche, Chicago Cubs second baseman Darwin Barney and Atlanta right fielder Jason Heyward.

"I'm exceedingly thrilled," Barney said. "It's something you came into the season working toward,but it's not something that I thought the results would be there as rapidly as they were. I'm extremely cheerful almost it. There's a lot of good-looking competition out there,obviously and I'm actually surprised that finished up business as me. So it's an exciting night as me."

In the AL, pitchers Jake Peavy of the White Sox and Jeremy Hellickson shared the honor as first-time winners. This was only the third period since the Gold Gloves were 1st presented among 1957 that there was a knot there were four NL outfielders among 2007 and four AL outfielders surrounded 1985.

Also winning this year: Yankees second baseman Robinson Cano, Kansas City left fielder Alex Gordon and Colorado left fielder Carlos Gonzalez.

Several players were rewarded as their wins.

Beltre received a $100,000 bonus and Hardy got $75,000, Gordon, LaRoche, Molina, Peavy and Rollins each added $50,000; Gonzalez, Jones and McCutchen $25,000 apiece.

In addition, Gordon's salaries for 2014 and 2015 addition forward $250,000 a anniversary to $10.25 million and $12.75 million. His 2016 player option likewise rises along $250,000 apt $12.75 million.


AP Sports Writers David Ginsburg, Steven Wine, Bernie Wilson and Schuyler Dixon contributed to this report.
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